Top Key Insights While Managing The Research Panel

Research Panels are important to get feedbacks, discover behaviors, and generate effective insights both for agencies and brands. Market Research panels are important to collect data and information that results in effective business decision-making. However, managing the panel is not an easy task. When you are managing a panel, there are a few things you should keep in consideration for collecting and analyzing data.
Top Key Insights While Managing The Research Panel
If you’re thinking about managing a panel yourself, here are a few key insights while managing the research panel that you should consider:
1. Organize
You need to properly organize your panel to achieve a high level of quality. The information you collect will be important for the development of marketing strategy, but the quality of that data will determine the outcome and the impact you can expect from the efforts you put in.
Take some time to create a high-quality, intelligent setup. It is good practice to include structured guidelines, a clear data collecting format, information on who will be participating and what they will be doing.
As a good practice, always ensure that you have an agenda, especially if you have a research panel. This ensures that you can put the information you collect in an organized way.
If you are running a panel on a mobile device, ensure that all participants can join in the discussion while they are connected on the go.
You need to communicate with the panel in a way that ensures that they can provide their feedback in a productive manner. While inviting the participants, you should keep a consistent messaging format.
2. Communication
Communication is a key aspect of maintaining a panel to evaluate behaviors and track trends from their responses.
When receiving a request to join the survey, participants can be offered the option to skip or stop the survey types. Sending reminders with additional benefits is an opportunity to get surveys filled faster.
You can also ask for responses based on the types of questions you pose. The questions can also be tailored to the persona of the individual participants.
A great way of maintaining the communication with your panel is to follow up on the survey responses. You can then ask your panel members to share some insights on their experiences. If they are happy with the outcome of the survey, they will be more likely to give feedbacks and participate in other surveys.
3. Analytics
Using analytics will help you refining the data for better research and authentic decision-making. By running analytics, you can learn participants behavior, pattern of responses and how your content resonates with the desired audiences. You can also use other similar data sets to help identify the best approach for different activities, to ensure that you optimize marketing efforts.
4. Feedback
Feedback is important to improve your marketing. An honest, transparent feedback will help you improve the quality of your research with participants.
Tips for Handling Feedback:
- When you are receiving feedback, be sure to learn.
- Acknowledge and appreciate respondents for providing their valuable feedbacks.
- Don’t hesitate to send follow up emails/ phone calls to check on the participant’s progress.
5. Verify and Clean Up
Clear out the entire history of the survey and check if the participants have provided the required responses. You can use Technology (Software / Tool) with better data reading capabilities and run your research for better decision making.
The final step of the process is to validate the results by evaluating the data with outside partners and experts.
Importance of Technology for Maintaining The Research Panel
Panel management software helps businesses to build a customized platform where it lessens the workload and helps businesses to recruit, manage and incentivize panelists effectively and efficiently.
Teamarcs offer panel management software “Survey Cliq” which is extremely easy to use and comes with well-enabled features, such as effective sign-up and invitation options, automated incentive management, standardizing solution for user management, community insights with real-time reports, seamless API integration, google analytics integration, effective broadcast emails, etc.
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